Elderberries are hardy, native shrubs that have great ornamental and fruiting value. They produce beautiful, large, white flower heads in the spring that are followed by large clusters of blue-
black berries in late summer. They are relished by birds and are an important food source for fruit-eating birds like Robins and Cedar Waxwings. At least 120 species of bird eat the fruits of Elderberries! Elderbery fruit makes incredible juice and jellies that have a wonderful flavor and are very high in Vitamin C. The berries also make great jam, pie, syrup or wine.
If you’re looking to attract Birds and Wildlife to your landscape, look no further than De Groot, Inc.’s plant group. The characteristics that make these species so visually appealing – showy flowers, stunning fruit, winter color – are some of Nature’s most powerful draws for the animal kingdom.
Turn your yard into a naturally balanced eco-system! Whether you choose one variety or one of each, you’re sure to enjoy these plants for a lifetime. They provide food, shelter, and nesting. Plant your backyard sanctuary today!
*Each unit of Bulk Perennials includes Pot Tags free of charge.