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Raspberry ‘Brandywine’

Grow Your Own Fresh Fruit!
Raspberry, ‘Brandywine’ is a true purple raspberry. A hybrid cross between a red raspberry and black raspberry, this purple raspberry is unsurpassed for jam, jelly, and pies. The purple of this raspberry fades to a bright red when baked in pies and cakes. The ‘Brandywine’ raspberry is used extensively in the fermentation of wine and other spirits.

It is less invasive and “stays put” where it is planted. The thorns are wider spaced and larger than that of a red raspberry. ‘Brandywine’ fruit is soft in texture like a raspberry. It has a large, gorgeous berry with a tart, full flavor. High quality, insect resistant, hardy, and very adaptable. Fine for Zones 4-8; Zone 3 growers might see some winter dieback. The ‘Brandywine’ Purple Raspberry plant was developed by Cornell University in N.Y. University station at Geneva, N.Y. Ripens mid-season. Canes are large, very erect and seldom bend over with fruit. Less hardy than the reds; need winter protection very cold climates. Plant 30″ apart; will not fill in. Propagate like blacks; will not sucker. Plant as soon as soil may be worked in the spring. Your plants require 1″ of water per week during the growing season and regular, shallow cultivation.


# Description Qty per Unit Units Available Price/Unit
RS046BAG Raspberry 'Brandywine' 25 85 $91.00

Plant Details +

Botanical Raspberry, 'Brandywine'
Cultivator Type Everbearing
Size 1 YR #1
Height Varies
Spacing 30" wide
Hardiness Zones 4-8
Exposure Full sun
Foliage Green
Fruit Purple berries
Harvest Ripens mid-season

Planting/Care Instructions +

Planting Instructions: May be planted in any well-drained soil. Dig a hole large enough to encompass the roots without bending or circling. Set the plant in place so the crown (part of the plant where the roots meet the stem) is about 1-2" below the soil surface. Cover with soil to the original soil surface and water thoroughly. Fertilize newly set plants 2-3 weeks after planting and again in early summer. Water well during growth, and consider mulching to conserve water until the following spring, when the mulch should be removed to let the plants warm up. In winter, cut back to about 5 canes per crown. Cane berries prefer a deep, well-drained, fertile soil and typically bear fruit on 2-year old wood with everbearers producing on first-year wood. Thrive in most soil types. Versatile and hardy in the coldest climates where other cane fruits fail. Plant late winter to early spring. Space 2'-3' in a row with 8'-10' between rows. It is best to plant immediately upon receipt. If you are unable to plant immediately, refrigerate and plant as soon as possible. Do not add water. Keep in original packing to retain proper moisture, until you can plant.

Pests or Diseases: Superior Disease and Insect Resistance