‘Roy Davidson’ lungwort, is a cheerful, easy perennial and one of the finest perennials available to brighten shady locations. This refined performer will take your breath away. This clump-
forming lungwort cultivar, like many of the hosta, is more valued for its attractive foliage than its flowers. Grows typically to 9-18″ high and spreads to 18-24″ wide. Features mostly basal clumps of large, medium green leaves (to 12″ long). The foliage is the winner with this one; the long, narrow leaves are spotted and mottled in silvery white all season long. In the spring, it provides a memorable display of small nodding bright blue, bell-shaped flowers, which emerge from curious hot pink flower buds – the combination is very effective. It is also deer resistant.
Pulmonarias are great plants for the spring garden. They are good to plant under deciduous trees and shrubs and mix in with Hosta and spring bulbs. Plants are tough and adaptable and will take some drought once established. Lungworts make showy ground covers and the newer forms are great specimen plants too. Cut off old flowering stems to prevent seeding and to tidy up the clumps. Plants can also be grown under large clumps of Daylilies and Peonies. They truly look outstanding in large drifts mixed with Ferns and Astilbe. Mass plantings are eye-catching and individual plants will, over a few years grow into large clumps.
*Each unit of Bulk Perennials includes Pot Tags free of charge.