The large, deciduous ‘Royal Fern’ has leafy looking fronds that are broad but airy and graceful. In summer, a cluster of fertile, rust-colored, delicate fronds is produced from the center of the
fern. From a distance, this looks like a flower spike and explains its old name of ‘flowering fern’. Royal ferns create a focal point to any bog garden, pond margin or flower border. Grow them in sun or partial shade in moist, humus-rich soil.
This fern is an excellent selection for wet areas along ponds, streams, water gardens or in bogs. Also grows well in shaded borders, woodland gardens, wild gardens or native plant gardens. This is a fern that can suggest a tropical look but without all the fuss of winter protection. The ‘Royal Fern’ has a long life span relative to most other plant species.
Ferns are perfect for the background of the garden or in a woodland setting. Their gracefulness makes them especially suited for companions to the Hosta. Performs well in sun but prefers partial shade.
*Each unit of Bulk Perennials includes Pot Tags free of charge.