This stunning variety of Shasta Daisy is larger than all the others and is a must for any perennial bed. Shasta Daisy ‘Becky’ becomes a living bouquet of huge (4″) daisies, growing 3-4′ tall on
rigid stems which do not require staking. Features large flower heads with the classic white rays and yellow center disks. It has full, rounded, lance-shaped, medium green leaves. ‘Becky’ has a wonderfully, long bloom period of June through October. It is also a much more dependable repeat bloomer. The Shasta Daisy is one of the most popular and well-loved perennials grown for its cheery, large daisy flowers that appear late spring through autumn. It is a good-looking plant which forms a neat clump and the flowers will attract butterflies. Very hardy (to zone 4) and free flowering, single white. An ideal cut flower, lasting up to 10 days in arrangements. An easy to grow perennial, leucantheum x Shasta Daisies are a must for any garden. They work well for accent plants along borders.
*Each unit of Bulk Perennials includes Pot Tags free of charge.