With graceful, fern-like foliage, this is the ballerina of native plants. The heart shaped deep rose pink flowers on faint purplish stems hang delicately from the arching, blue-green foliage.
Arising in the spring and often melting away in the hot summer, the bleeding heart is best grown in damper, but not soppy-wet sites. It is at its best in shady ravines, under trees, and in combination with ferns, foam flower, vine maples and trillium. Sometime it will awaken for a second bloom in fall. Dicentra ‘Formosa’ does not go dormant as does Dicentra spectabilis. The Western U.S. species – formosa – is more drought-tolerant. Makes a nice groundcover or front-of-the-border plant. This is a Herbaceous perennial.
*Each unit of Bulk Perennials includes Pot Tags free of charge.