Clematis ‘Henryi’ is a time tested favorite! Profuse, showy, eight-sepaled, 6-8″ in diameter, white flowers with purplish-brown anthers cover this vine in summer. Blooms on this cultivar
come primarily from the previous year’s stems in early summer but also occurs in a second flush later in the summer on the new (current year’s) growth. This clematis can be trained to climb a wall, trellis, fence, arbor, porch or lamppost. It can also be planted to sprawl over and through large shrubs or over old tree stumps Provides height and good architectural framework for small gardens. An excellent vine for long-lasting, often spectacular, summer bloom.
Pruning Group 2 – These cultivars produce early-season bloom on the previous season’s growth and late-season flowers on new growth. Generally, these cultivars are only pruned to shape. In the early spring (February or March), prune them lightly above the first pair of new swollen leaf buds, removing about 12 inches from each shoot. Also, remove any dead or weak stems at this time.
Clematis is a genus of over 250 species, most of which are woody to semi-woody deciduous vines climbing by twining leaf stalks or in some cases trailing over support, but in a few cases grow as freestanding or sprawling herbaceous perennials and small deciduous or evergreen shrubs. Most have flat, cupped or bell-shaped flowers. Some plants feature ornamental fluffy seed heads in autumn. Plants bear opposite, simple to compound leaves which are usually deciduous but sometimes evergreen. Compound leaves range from lobed to trifoliate to biternate to pinnate to bipinnate. Clematis is native to both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres including Europe, the Himalayas, China, Australia, North America, and Central America.
*Each unit of Bulk Perennials includes Pot Tags free of charge.