Our Platinum Performers® have been carefully selected by DeGroot with your customer in mind. Each variety in this collection has been chosen for qualities which lead to success. They are easy grow, dependable, and offer longer bloom times.
Platinum Performers® ‘Wyoming’Open top Bin Box is an excellent retail solution for retail capper packages on shelves or endcaps. Each bin box includes eye-catching POP on the front of each bin and retail capper packages. Bin boxes are each sold separately or order a variety to customize your own display!
The huge bronze-purple veined leaves of ‘Wyoming’ make a bold statement in any garden. Then, in late summer when bold flowers are scarce enjoy these, warm, flamboyantly colored apricot-orange flowers. The petals are slightly frilled and appear on long stalks above the striking foliage.
Cannas bring a touch of the tropics to wherever they are planted. These exotic looking plants are indispensable for a splendid summer border bursting with drama. Their size, bright, showy flowers, and foliage patterns ensure that your Cannas will stand out. Large, exotic looking plants with beautiful flowers and decorative foliage. Makes a great centerpiece in bedding schemes and large containers. As soon as a stalk has finished blooming, remove it and a new one will take its place. If faded flowers are not removed, seeds will form and flowering will cease.
Grow your business with Platinum Performers®!
(Bin Box Dimensions: 15.5“l x 6“w x 13“d)