Astrantia, “Rosea” is a charming cottage garden flower. Beloved by butterflies. Unusual delicate star-like blooms that can be used as a fresh cut flower. The flowers are dense 2-3″ diameter domes of tiny florets, backed by stiff, petal-like bracts, usually referred to as a ‘collar’, all held above the foliage on wiry stems. Interesting, complex, long-lasting flowers, prized by flower arrangers but also perfectly at home in the cottage garden.
The dark green, lobed leaves form an attractive mound. Exotic and yet very easy to grow. A fabulous bloomer. Very effective when in mass. The optimum site for Astrantia would be partial shade with a well-drained soil. Looks nice in an English garden setting as a border plant.
*Each unit of Bulk Perennials includes Pot Tags free of charge.